Travel junkie. Avocado lover. Tomboy chic.

Fashion Tips for College Students

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I’m looking forward to thoroughly enjoying mine. Something tells me I’ll have all my weekends off in the near future. I hope I’m right!

This post is dedicated to my future Einsteins, all of my college student followers. First of all, major props to you for furthering your educations and in most cases, your careers! I am very proud of you 🙂

Today, I will share with you my fashion tips. Some I have used myself and others, I’ve learned from mistakes I’ve made. I hope you find them helpful!

1) Shop quantity, not quality. 
Don’t read too deeply into this statement. I don’t mean to transition an empty garbage bag into attire, but often, you can find a million bucks in the most uncommon places. You have plenty of time to spend money on quality when you’re bringing in those big bucks upon graduating. I’ve found that the most affordable and stylish pieces can be found on eBay and most online China shops. Sheinside, Rosegal, and Oasap are just a select few. I will link a few outfits I’ve pieced together wearing some of these.

2) Don’t splurge on name brands.
Yeah, I know it’s easier said than done, but trust me on this one. Though I was a full-time student all through college and worked 2-3 jobs each semester, I still managed to save in some areas. I wore name branded clothing and makeup, but I rarely ever paid full price, particularly clothing. I shopped for my name brands at stores like Marshall’s, TJ Maxx and HauteLook. At these stores along with a few others, you can achieve the same looks for less and no one will ever know the difference. This leads me into my next point.

3) Coupons, coupons and more coupons.
You may think you’re getting a great deal just because there is a “sale,” but there is typically always a way to save even more money. Shop on sites that offer an extra 20%, 30%, etc. off on clearance items. This is a great way to stock up on those branded items I mentioned earlier or on even more of those less expensive items. Your choice.

4) Collect coins.
Now I don’t mean to go and buy a piggy bank, though you can if you wish. I have a large empty container where I collect all spare change. You would be surprised how much this adds up to buy that new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing for a while.

5) Ditch the heels for class.
We know you want to look hot for that cute guy in English 101, but as the day continues, you’ll start to walk crooked like you’re failing a DWI test. If you must strut your stuff in heels for that one class, carry a backup pair of flats in your backpack. Thank me later.

6) Don’t blow your financial aid refund.
It’s almost like an oxymoron, but when Sallie Mae starts coming for you, hopefully you’ll remember me saying this. Do something useful with it. Though it’s tempting to go on a shopping spree, don’t. Instead, drop it in a savings account, pay back on your student loan or  pay off that credit card you may have maxed out in the mall.

7) Leave your high school letterman at your parents’.
I know you may think you’re too cool for school by wearing this, but not in college. No one really cares what you lettered in high school, nor do they care what high school you attended. Don’t bring freshman attention to yourself by doing this, pleeeaaaase.

I hope this was helpful. Of course I’m here for any questions you may have now or later.

*This post was not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
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