Travel junkie. Avocado lover. Tomboy chic.

Happy 101 Tag

I was recently tagged by Weighing Down on Beauty to do this tag. Please check her out. She has some gorgeous makeup looks!!! 🙂 

Here are the rules to the tag:
1) Post who gave you this award
2) State 10 things that you love
3) Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment.

I’m going to list my top 10 favorite things…in ascending order.
1) God.
The head of my life, the reason I breathe. Without Him, nothing I’ve accomplished in life would be possible. The times when I don’t have anyone else to turn to, I talk to Him. He may not respond right away, but He always makes everything better no matter what the issue.
2) My Family/Close Friends.
They haven’t always supported everything I did, including beginning this whole makeup journey (going to makeup school, doing YouTube, etc.), but since they did give birth to me and have assisted me with other things, they’re ranked up here lol. I only have 2 people which I confide in and both go to school with me. They are like family to me because they’re actually genuine people. That’s why they’re ranked up here.
3) School.
Notice I didn’t say “my” school, but just “school” lol. I honestly hate school, my school in particular. Money and success are the only things motivating me to stay in and continue in school. I hate studying, going to class, etc. You probably wouldn’t believe me if you were to see my transcript, but I’m dead serious. I absolutely HATE school. I am currently a senior majoring in Finance, and graduating next summer (hopefully with Louisiana’s ridiculous budget cuts). Next fall, I plan to get my MBA in Strategic Management and then a PhD (in something lol), all 3 degrees with honors. School is pretty much sucky to me, but I know that’s my only guarantee in being successful.
4) My Boyfriend.
He’s one of the ONLY people who are 100% supportive of me doing all of this. He didn’t say it was stupid, I would never be successful at it, etc. I would have given up on a lot if it weren’t for him telling me no. He’s the backbone of my life and I really don’t know what I would do without him.
5) My Makeup Collection.
I am sooo in love with my makeup collection. If my life were at stake and someone came to rob me (yeah I have imagined this, lol), I would honestly tell the person just to kill me. I am very serious about my makeup (perhaps too serious, but oh well) and I would be absolutely heartbroken without it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it can be replaced (some of it), but my life wouldn’t be the same.
6) YouTube/Twitter.
I fell in love with YouTube the first time I filmed and uploaded a video. I found a new world of other people just like me. I have NEVER had anyone that could ever relate to me in life, so this is huge to me. I have never had anyone in life who has listened or even cared to listen at what I had to say. It really makes my day when someone tells me I have inspired them or I’m great at what I do. I love that feeling. The fact is that I have met and connected with sooo many people and I’m continuing to do so each time I gain a new subscriber. I really love this new world and I plan to continue to put all I have into it as often as I can.
7) Dieting/Exercise.
I really don’t know why I said these would be ranked in order because this should be in the top 3. I have been active since I’ve been in grade school. I try to run at least 4-5 times a week, usually 3-4 miles. Just recently, I have cut many foods out of my diet. The only meats I eat are turkey, fish, and chicken. NO pork or beef. Most of the time the 3 meats I eat are baked. I eat mostly vegetables now. I have lowered my sugar-intake; most of my foods are low-calorie, low-fat, etc. Yeah, I’m already skinny and all that bs, but most people don’t realize that JUST because you’re skinny, doesn’t mean you can’t have health problems. I’d rather start now, than to be “boo-hooing” in somebody’s hospital later because of careless dieting and lack of exercise.
8) The Spanish language!!!
Yep. I’m in love with the Spanish language and I’m not Hispanic lol. I have taken 3 years in high school and 1 year in college. I’m in LOVE. I try to practice a new topic or review a new one each day. If you’ve read my “about me” on my home page, you’ll know that I plan to become completely fluent one day and raise all 4 of my kids in a bilingual home. Shocked? 🙂
9) Reading.
In my spare time, my favorite books to read are by Mary Higgins Clark and Stephen King. I used to read a lot of romance novels in high school, but I’ve kind of grown out of that stage.
10) Playing Video Games/Games in General.
Yep, I’m a tomboy and proud lol. I rarely ever have time to play these anymore, usually only when I’m spending time with the bf. I am very competitive in certain games too, especially puzzle/word games. Try to beat me in Words With Friends for iPhone (my name is candieluvsmakeup). Make sure you bring your A game though 🙂
11) Crafts.
I’m actually squeezing sewing and jewelry making into the same category because I ran out of rankings lol. I learned to sew in high school and I love doing it. Like playing games, I don’t really have time anymore, but I make the most of it when I happen to squeeze in time. As far as the jewelry making goes, I am currently practicing the technique of making threaded earrings. My first one came out “ok,” but I’m going to continue until they’re ready to be sold, so stay tuned for those 🙂

Sorry about having 11 (I cheated!!!), but I had to have all these in there. I hope this wasn’t boring to you guys, but this was really fun. It helped me to procrastinate from studying too, hahahaha 🙂

I tag the following people:
1) The Fancy Face
2) Glam Morena
3) Spiced Beauty
4) Makeup Your Jangsara
5) Glitter is My Crack
6) Special K
7) A Full Beat
8) xxmakeupisfunxx
9) Da Diva Beauty
10) So Many Words…So Little Time…

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One response to “Happy 101 Tag”

  1. icosmeticRN says:

    Great list!! thanks so much for doing the tag and giving me such a nice shout out!!

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