Travel junkie. Avocado lover. Tomboy chic.

Understanding How to Manage Cardiovascular Health

*This post was sponsored by the CDC. All opinions and thoughts are my own.


managing cardiovascular health with the CDC, the beauty beau

I have always had a concern for heart disease, one for being black and 2, for it running in my immediate family, my father to be precise. This has helped me take better precautions in ensuring I practice not only a healthy, but also an active lifestyle. Also being a woman, I found out that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, which increases my chances of developing it in the future. Black and African-American women in general are 60% more likely to develop it than other races!

how to stay heart healthy, Candace Hampton

One of the rough things about this is only 56% of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer. To be quite honest, I didn’t realize this myself until recently. It’s so bad, that one in every four women die of heart disease. Another thing that frightened me is that a woman’s symptoms vary from a man’s when having a heart attack. I personally thought I had this part covered, especially being around a father that suffered 2 heart attacks and being aware of his symptoms. When a woman suffers a heart attack, she may experience any of the following: sharp, burning chest pain and pain in the neck, jaw, throat, abdomen, or back, as well as experiencing nausea, fatigue, and profuse sweating.


how to prevent heart disease in women

When it comes to strokes, more women die from them than men. During pregnancy, the chances of developing a heart attack and stroke are even higher. The chance of these happening are raised in black and African American pregnant women. This is due to higher rates in high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.


preventing heart disease in women

Like with pretty much anything else, there are preventative measures one can take to help drastically reduce any heart failures and improve overall cardiovascular health. Healthy diet and regular exercise can go a really long way when protecting your heart. More specifically, here’s what you can do to protect yourself, regardless of whether you’ve had a cardiovascular event:


If you have not experienced one:


If you have experienced one:



how to prevent heart attack and stroke

None of us have to be a statistic when it comes to cardiovascular disease. There is always something that can be done to lower the chances and to stay healthy as long as possible. To learn more about women and heart disease, you can check out this link. Remember, happy hearts equals healthy lives! 😁


Photos: Madeline Faye Photography


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10 responses to “Understanding How to Manage Cardiovascular Health”

  1. Anagha says:

    It’s better to take precautions. This is a nice post helping people to stay healthy to avoid it. I have some heart issues. I try to do work out whenever possible. By the way, your pics have come great 🙂

  2. Hollie says:

    Great advice. Practicing physical acrtivity is one of the most important things you can do. It’s so important to maintain some sort of cardio health to keep you safe throughout the years. I worked in the public health field for a while and I wish people knew more about this!

  3. Glad to hear you are taking the necessary steps you need to prevent it.

  4. Hannah Marie says:

    This seems to put out a lot of important information. I really like this post, I think many people will benefit from here. You o=look so pretty by the way.

  5. Open Kloset says:

    Hey Darling,

    OMG, This is so Serious subject and To be honest I didn’t knew nothing about this all:(
    All these information sooo helpful and I learned so much today from your blogpost, Thank you so much Candace!
    Wish you Beautiful Week
    Hugs Karina

  6. Mariann Yip says:

    Thank you for sharing this! I think we need to always put our health first so it’s great that you’re spreading awareness of taking care of our cardiovascular system!

  7. Eva says:

    Fortunately I don’t need. But can help for my father he smoke a lot. Thanks for share those conditions

  8. Elle says:

    I’ve been doing yoga more, the whole regiment has been relaxing. I am feeling more refreshed and limber.

  9. This was so insightful and these statistics are insane! Being an African American woman, I know there are always extra risks. Heart disease also runs in my family. I try to live a healthy lifestyle and workout regularly.

  10. This was a very helpful post!! I don’t often read blog posts about health facts like this and I appreciated it. I think I follow most of the items on the check list so I hoooope I’m on the right track!

    xo Samantha

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